heimlich maneuver.org

heimlich technique

The Quick Thinking That Saved a Life: Man Performs Heimlich Maneuver on Himself

In an astounding display of presence of mind and self-help, a man’s story of survival has become a powerful testament to the importance of knowing lifesaving techniques—not just for others, but for oneself. Facing a near-death experience with no one else to rely on, he performed the Heimlich maneuver on himself and lived to tell the tale.

A Close Call at Home

The drama unfolded in the quiet of the man’s home. While enjoying his meal, a piece of food lodged firmly in his throat. With his airway blocked and no one around to assist, the situation escalated from discomfort to a fight for breath within moments.

Self-Rescue in Action

It’s a scenario that many might not consider—how do you save yourself when you’re choking and alone? For this quick-thinking individual, the answer lay in a technique often reserved for use on others: the Heimlich maneuver.

The Self-Administered Heimlich Maneuver

With no time to waste, the man took decisive action. He positioned himself behind a chair, using the backrest to apply the necessary force to his abdomen. Thrusting upward, just above the navel and below the ribcage, he replicated the motion typically performed by a second person during the Heimlich maneuver.

Turning the Tide

It took several attempts, but with persistence and precise application of the technique, the man managed to dislodge the obstruction from his throat. The relief was immediate, and the gravity of what could have been a life-ending moment settled in.

Educating the Public

This event underscores an often-overlooked aspect of first aid education: self-administered emergency procedures. While much emphasis is placed on helping others, the ability to help oneself can be equally vital.

The Lifesaving Lesson

The man’s story is more than just a close call—it’s a lifesaving lesson. It opens up a dialogue about the importance of self-help techniques in first aid, including how to perform the Heimlich maneuver on oneself and other strategies to handle such emergencies.


His experience is a compelling reminder of the unexpected nature of emergencies and the power of self-reliance. Through sharing his story, he hopes to inspire others to learn not only how to save others but also how to act as their own rescuer when necessary. The knowledge of self-administered first aid could make the difference between life and death, and as this man’s tale shows, it’s knowledge worth having.

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