heimlich maneuver.org

Spread awareness of vital life-saving skills

heimlich procedure

Our primary goal is to spread awareness of vital life-saving skills and equip individuals with the knowledge and confidence to respond in emergency situations. We believe that by promoting the importance of first aid, CPR, and other essential life-saving techniques, we can make a significant impact on the well-being and safety of communities. Through educational programs, community outreach, and partnerships, we aim to empower people with the necessary skills to provide immediate assistance during critical moments. By spreading awareness and fostering a culture of preparedness, we strive to create a society where more lives can be saved through quick and effective response.

About heimlich

Tracing the Path of the Heimlich

The Heimlich maneuver is a revolutionary technique developed by Dr. Henry Heimlich and has become globally recognized as a valuable method of saving lives in choking emergencies.

In the early 1970s, Dr. Heimlich recognized the need for a more effective technique to save choking victims. He developed a simple yet powerful maneuver that involved abdominal thrusts to dislodge obstructions from the airway. Initially met with skepticism, the Heimlich maneuver soon gained widespread recognition and acceptance as its effectiveness became evident. Over the years, it has saved countless lives and become a standard procedure taught in first aid and CPR courses worldwide, leaving a lasting legacy for Dr. Heimlich and revolutionizing the field of life-saving techniques.

First Aid Training Courses

We offer comprehensive First Aid training courses that cover a range of life-saving skills, including the Heimlich maneuver, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and automated external defibrillator (AED) usage. Our courses are designed to provide individuals with the knowledge and practical skills needed to respond confidently and effectively in emergency situations. Participants will learn essential techniques such as assessing injuries, managing bleeding, treating burns, performing CPR, and utilizing AEDs. By taking our First Aid training courses, individuals can gain the confidence and ability to be a crucial first responder, potentially saving lives and making a positive impact in their communities.

infant choking rescue

What Make Us Different

Guide to Safety

Committed to providing people with valuable information and practical tips to enhance their safety and well-being. Our guide serves as a valuable tool for promoting safety awareness and equipping people with the knowledge they need to navigate potential risks.

Giving Hope

Through our giving initiatives, we strive to address various social issues and provide assistance to vulnerable individuals and communities. Whether it's offering financial aid, or supporting local programs, our goal is to uplift and empower those facing challenging circumstances.

anti choking device

Healthcare Collaboration

We are proud to foster healthcare collaboration by actively partnering with various healthcare organizations, professionals, and community stakeholders. Through these collaborations, we aim to enhance access to quality healthcare services and promote overall well-being.