heimlich maneuver.org

Health care

We are a leading healthcare organization committed to providing exceptional care and improving the well-being of individuals.

generous donation

The generous donation can make a significant impact and bring positive change to those in need.

first aid education

Dedicated to providing essential first aid education to empower individuals and save lives.

Leading The Way To
A Safer Future

our mission
baby choking rescue
first aid symbol

Our mission is clear: to save lives through comprehensive education and training in the Heimlich maneuver, First Aid, and Apnea response. We believe that equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to act swiftly and confidently during emergencies is crucial. By spreading awareness, providing training, and promoting proper techniques, we aim to empower communities to become proactive lifesavers. Together, we can make a tangible difference and ensure that no life is lost due to lack of preparedness.

Why It Matters


Urgency of Choking

Swiftly to

Save Lives

Choking is a time-critical emergency that demands immediate action. Every second counts when a person’s airway is blocked, hindering their ability to breathe. Without prompt intervention, the lack of oxygen can quickly lead to severe consequences, including brain damage or even death. Recognizing the signs of choking and knowing how to respond with techniques like the Heimlich maneuver is vital. Understanding the urgency of choking empowers individuals to act swiftly, potentially saving lives and preventing irreversible harm. Let’s prioritize preparedness and spread awareness to ensure a swift and effective response in choking emergencies.

We have earned a reputation for delivering
outstanding healthcare services, with a particular focus on our exceptional Heimlich maneuver and First Aid training programs.

we are known for outstanding health care

Successful Cases After Heimlich Treatment

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